Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

How to MAke Ate Handbag

Making Ate Handbag

Ate is conspecific of weed, which is grow naturally in islands of Java, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, etc.

the raw of Ate tree is split vertically to four parts.

Then to equalize the thickness, use holey bottle cover, input the weed, and then pull it from opposite direction for several times.

After it has flattened then it is ready to be plaited. Ate which is not being split will be enlaced by the split rattan.

After formed become desirable form such as tissue case, fruit basket, handbag, sandal, etc, then put it for one week sun dried, until it really dry.

Then open or fumigate it so the colour will be durable and smooth. The fumigation shall be about 24 hours.

The material for fumigation is durian wood powder or dust.

After that brush it to clean the dust/ash, and if there is still a fur then cut it scissors or nail clipper, then pair with clothes and other material , now it is ready to be displayed or sold.

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